High voltage battery control system consists of BMS ECU, PRA
and it controls SOC (State of charge), output, trouble shooting,
battery cell balancing, cooling, power supply & disconnect.
Power Relay Assembly (PRA) consists of main relay, precharge
relay, precharge resister, battery current sensor and battery heater
relay. It is connected to battery pack through busbar.
[Main Function]
SOC control
Calculation of SOC by measuring the voltage/current/temperature
Battery ouput control
Battery protection, Prediction of available power, Prevention
of overcharge/overdischarge by calculating the input/output energy as
the system status
PRA control
Cut off the power to the high voltage system when IG ON/OFF
Prevent the safety accidents due to high voltage system failure
Cooling control
Maintain the battery temperature by controlling the cooling fan
Trouble shooting (Refer to "Trouble shooting")
System troubleshooting, data monitoring and software management
Limit the output by Fail-Safe
Prevent the safety accidents by controlling the relay
SOC (State Of Charge): Available energy in the battery
If the temperature is too low, the battery can be frozen and
it can cause reduction in the output voltage. So to prevent this, the
heater system for high voltage battery is adopted. It is controlled
automatically by the temperature.
The heater relay is controlled by the BMS ECU and when the heater relay is ON, high voltage is supplied to each heater.
Even when the ignition switch is OFF, the VCU operates the BMS ECU regularly to prevent freezing of the battery.
If the temperature reaches normal range, BMS ECU waits until
the VCU gives the order to operate the battery heater via CAN
If the battery SOC is too low while the heater is operating, the BMS ECU stops the heater operation.
If the battery SOC is too low, the heater system will not operate even when the temperature is low.
High Voltage Battery Control System
1.Measure the cell voltage, temperature, current and resistance value.
2.Transfer the BMS control data to VCU or control the driving part.
Components Location
High Voltage Battery System Assembly
1. BMS ECU2. Main Relay 3. Pre Charge Relay4. Pre Charge Resistor5. Battery Current Sensor6. Safety Plug7. Main Fuse8. Battery Tempera ...
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the wiper and washer switch. If it is not in normal condition, replace
wiper and wiper switch.Wiper Switch
Washer Switch
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(Refer to Body - "Steering Co ...